1st Annual ‘PLANK TIL YOU TANK’ Challenge Hosted by Hampton Physical Therapy


It may have been a cold winter day but things quickly heated up back on January 29th during the exciting ‘Plank Til You Tank’ challenge at Winnacunnet High School. The WHS winter sports teams showed off their endurance skills with one of the most challenging core stability exercises known as ‘Planking’.

One of the clinics in our network, Hampton Physical Therapy, hosted ‘Plank Til You Tank’ as not only a way of supporting local youth, but also educating the benefits of Planking. The Plank is one of the most effective total body moves that strengthens your core, legs, and upper body. Plank can even help prevent injury! Risk factors of low back are thought to begin in school aged children and therefore research suggests it is “desirable for children and adolescents to perform moderate-to-high intensity dynamic core exercises during physical education warm-up to improve trunk and core muscular endurance.” Core stability exercises have been found to be more effective than general exercise in the prevention of low back pain.

Winnacunnet winter sports teams competed against each other to win $500 for their Team! The team that averaged the longest plank took the prize! Congratulations go to the WHS Track and Wrestling teams who were each awarded $500!
The overall winners received an annual membership to The Seacoast Sports Club. Hampton Physical Therapy was thrilled with the turnout and the friendly, competitive spirit shown by all participants and congratulates all the winners!

To watch the video of the ‘Plank Til You Tank’ Competition, click here: https://youtu.be/m41iFeFqlZU

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