Shop Healthcare Services to Save Lots of Money

Before making a purchase at the grocery store, you’ll always shop around for the best price. You want to know which brand is the best value, and which store has it at the cheapest price! Why wouldn’t you shop the same way when it comes to your healthcare?

Kate Serodio (of our very own Hampton PT), has written a tremendous piece on shopping healthcare services in order to save yourself a lot of money.

Yes, you have a choice in your healthcare, and it’s time you choose wisely. Do you have an insurance deductible? Then this is a must-read. Fed up with deductibles? It’s time you take control of your healthcare!

Check out this terrific site, where you can explore how to reduce your medical costs with pricing and quality information on over 9,000 tests and procedures. And, to read the rest of Kate’s article that was published at, click here.


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