What makes your partners so special? (Dan Fleury gives away the secret)

I have been blessed to work with some of the best physical therapist in the country!
Throughout my travels and interactions with other network owners and industry professionals, I tend to get asked one question over and over again. “What makes your group stand out”? That question or some variation of has been answered quite simply with 2 words “our partners”. A simple answer that requires a bit of detail. “Our partners” refers to our literal partners, the owners in our group, but also includes our entire team. Our office coordinators, our billing team, our cleaning crew, our students, our clinical team, our referring medical providers, our vendors……all those folks are our partners. We tend to attract a certain type of partner!


They all have the desire to be the absolute best… the best clinician, the best business person, the best (you fill in the blank here)! Our company was founded on the desire for us to control our own destiny. We have been lucky enough to find partners that have that same philosophy, same drive,  and same aversion to mediocrity! If you have that same drive, determination and desire……
you should be on our team!

Have a successful week! Dan


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