Technology to Enhance Patient Experience

April 4th, 2018 News

Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network and our PT partners are using technology to enhance patient experience!

Our facilities throughout New England are rolling out online interactive patient intake forms. With this, patients can fill out all the required medical and insurance information from the comfort of their home. By not rushing to complete the paperwork at the time of the appointment, patients are now afforded the time to relay more accurate and detailed information to their therapist! Then, the Physical Therapist receives your information a few days earlier than the scheduled visit giving them more time to prepare.

In addition, our outcomes are measured through FOTO Inc. – a third party with over 22k participating therapists internationally. We can leverage technology by emailing these data points with the above medical forms so everything is electronic and in one place! Of course, our traditional methods of collecting (hard copy and paper) are still available, but we are proud to offer these high tech solutions to enhance our patient experience!

Erik Holmes of Blue Hills (Boston) Named One of Top Three in the City!

February 22nd, 2018 News

Very proud to announce that our own Erik Holmes has been named one of the top three physical therapists in all of Boston by! Erik is out of PRN’s Blue Hills Sport & Spine Rehab Boston location.

As noted in the announcement, Erik has “Experience Both as a Therapist and Patient that has Helped him to Develop Manual Treatment Skills and Exercised Based Treatment Programs – Uses a Modern, Active Approach that is Designed to Address the Cause of your Pain and Not Just the Symptoms”.

To read the article, click here.

PRN Looking for Partner Level PT: Hartford, CT

February 16th, 2018 News

Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network is looking for a partner level physical therapist in greater Hartford, Connecticut!

The ideal person is a well trained PT looking for equity potential in existing, established growing practice.

PRN was founded to fit the needs of physical therapists interested in taking control of their careers and futures by becoming practice owners as well as assisting other PT owners in their start ups or management of their practices utilizing best practice standards. — Are you a PT looking to take control of your career and future? Contact us today! Our successful model focuses on supporting our professional partners by providing operating, sales and business management expertise in an atmosphere of respect.


PRN Celebrates 15 Years!

February 1st, 2018 News


We proudly celebrated our 15th year in business this past week with a celebration in Boston! Partners, staff, and their families from all over the network were all in attendance. It was a great time of getting to know one another outside of work.

The Partners took the opportunity to honor Pinnacle President, Karen Natario, for her hard work and dedication to building such a great organization. In addition, $2,400.00 was raised for Homes for Our Troops and another $2,400.00 for the ALS Association!

Reflections on Physical Therapy (Response to an Opinion Article)

January 5th, 2018 News

Dan Fleury (PT, DPT, OCS, Diploma Osteopractic, FAAOMPT) – a PT at Portsmouth Physical Therapy and the Vice President of our organization – penned this tremendous piece on physical therapy in response to a recent article he had read that expressed doubts about physical therapy as a whole. It’s something that we felt we just had to share, as we agree in earnest. You may find the article referenced in this piece by clicking here.

“”As a physical therapist that has seven years of advanced education and countless hours of post professional training including specialty and fellowship designations, reading this article brought me through a range of emotions.

Fear: The inaccuracy and heterogeneity of which the author refers to physical therapy interventions may deter a patient from receiving the proper level of care, leading to a potential worsening of a condition. Further, as physical therapists we have direct access, meaning that a patient can come directly to a physical therapist without first seeking medical intervention. Acting as a first line evaluator, if something falls outside of our expertise we are mandated to refer that patient to a more qualified provider. I have countless stories of individuals with fractures, infections, and cardiac conditions, each of whom came to physical therapy in a direct manner with the belief that their injuries were musculoskeletal in nature. The care for these patients was then quarterbacked by the physical therapists, so that the patient could receive the proper referral and level of care required. This article is dangerous to a reader who may be simply scanning the page and who may not understand the depth of physical therapy training and application.

Anger: I fully admit I was angry when I first read the piece. I was angry that someone had taken partial information, added in a few bad patient experiences, and folded it into a testimonial against physical therapy. As I read, I was refuting and scoffing under my breath at some of the comments made and over generalizations glorified. I had to look it a few more times before fully understanding what I was reading, taking a mental note that the article was an opinion that required some reconfiguring and response.

Acceptance and Enlightenment: After first going over the piece few times, I read it one last time and removed myself from the equation — meaning I read it as if the author was talking about a practice other than my own – and then it hit me! Although largely inaccurate, the article shed light on a huge issue we have in physical therapy — Practice Variation! Jack O Dwyer wasn’t necessarily referring to my specific practice, he was referring to the profession and therein lies some of truth in the article. Removing emotion allowed me to see the big picture and he was absolutely right! As a matter of fact, the issues he brings to light in the article are the entire reason my group exists. A large portion of our patients have experienced the same issues before self-discharging from their current physical therapist, or reporting back to their referring provider their displeasure and, in turn, being discharged and re-referred to us. I actually laughed at my self-reflecting on the previous week’s case load when almost 75% of my evaluations started with “well I had PT and it didn’t work”, or “I had 26, 30, 40 PT visits and I never got better”. Unfortunately, this is the reality, but fortunately for me and my group, these patients that fail elsewhere come to us. Being independent and not owned by a hospital or physician group we are often referred the very difficult or the once-failed physical therapy cases, and we do an outstanding job. How do I know? We measure outcomes using a sophisticated third party outcomes system that is both risk adjusted and comparative. ( We measure our effectiveness and efficiency versus the international average and internally in comparison to our peers. We use the shortcomings to drive our robust continuing education and mentorship programs.

Physical therapy consumers need to be savvy. Do your research your therapist and understand why you are being referred to a particular physical therapist or practice. Is there a financial relationship? Is there an intuitional relationship? Ask questions of your referring provider to find out if you’re being referred to the most highly qualified, highly educated, outcomes focused, evidence based physical therapist in your area and then conduct your own research. Ask your therapist how they measure patient success, satisfaction, and visit utilization. Ask questions around your therapist’s continued education, such as “How many courses do you take per year? What was the last course they have taken?” As a patient, you have a choice where you receive your care. Use both the article written by Jack O’Dwyer and my response here to help you be a smarter healthcare consumer.

I do appreciate Jack’s article as it brings to light some very real issues and without it, I would not have been inspired to clarify. – Dan Fleury””

We’re proud to be physical therapists, proud of Dan’s words, and proud to be a network of top Physical Therapy Practices Committed to Clinical Excellence.

Fall Updates – Health Fair and Having Some Fun

November 14th, 2017 News

Two of our PT clinics – Somersworth Physical Therapy and Portsmouth Physical Therapy – took part in the 4th Annual Health Fair at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, New Hampshire! They provided great information on physical therapy’s benefits (and on their offices) to the many individuals in attendance.

And, late last week, we hosted the 1st annual flag football game between clinics! Team Portsmouth Physical Therapy beat Hampton/Seabrook by a narrow margin in the freezing weather! Everyone had a great time (including the incredible cheering section that stuck it out in the cold), and we look forward to continuing the fun in our 2nd annual game next year!


Portsmouth PT’s Dan F. Teaching a Cervical Spine Technique

November 9th, 2017 News

Click here to view!


This is a great clip of our Dan F. (Portsmouth Physical Therapy) teaching a cervical spine technique to PT staff. It’s demos like this – as well as covering case studies, reviewing journals and current evidence, and practicing high level techniques – that allows our network of PT offices and clinics to be the absolute best physical therapists in New England!

Advanced PT of Scarborough is PRN’s Latest Clinic to Open

September 28th, 2017 News

We are proud to announce that we have opened a satellite of our Advanced PT clinic in Scarborough, Maine!  With it’s official opening earlier in the summer, we call the clinic Advanced PT of Scarborough.

Check them out on the web at and their physical address is 273 Payne Rd Scarborough, ME 04074.

With Bedford PT, Accel PT, and now Advanced PT of Scarborough we have added our 25th, 26th,and 27th facilities! And the best part – we are proud to still be 100% therapist owned, locally owned and organically grown (with no VC or PE backing)!


PRN Hosts Spinal Manipulation Course at Somersworth PT Location

September 15th, 2017 News

The Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network is proud to have hosted the American Academy of Manipulative Therapy this past weekend for Spinal Manipulative Therapy Level 1.

AAMT is considered the leader in Spinal Manipulation and Dry Needling education and they were selected to assist us in taking our therapist skill-sets to the next level. We have two Physical Therapists ( Dan Fleury and Phil Denema) that have earned the Osteopractor and Fellowship ( FAAOMPT) status with AAMT. We also have several more therapists well on their way to achieving their Osteopractor status.

A number of Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network Physical Therapists and sites were in attendance this past weekend including our new grads! AAMT will return soon for several other courses including multiple advanced spinal manipulation courses and dry needling level 1 and 2.


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PRN Continues to Expand with a New Clinic in Bedford, NH

September 11th, 2017 News

We’re proud to announce that Bedford Physical Therapy opened it’s doors in July at 166 South River Road in Bedford, New Hampshire. This clinic will serve the needs of the local physicians that were looking for top-notch, cost effective, and evidence-based physical therapy.

Hospital PT practices in this market are very expensive, have long wait lists, and do not provide high level clinical treatments like Dry Needling and Spinal Manipulation.

Dominique Heres PT, DPT, ATC, and Lou Zollo PT, MSPT, OCS are taking the reins at this new facility. We anticipate more big things to come from Bedford PT in the development of a unique program bringing together large medical practices and other area private practices — stay tuned!


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