Fall Updates – Health Fair and Having Some Fun

November 14th, 2017 News

Two of our PT clinics – Somersworth Physical Therapy and Portsmouth Physical Therapy – took part in the 4th Annual Health Fair at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, New Hampshire! They provided great information on physical therapy’s benefits (and on their offices) to the many individuals in attendance.

And, late last week, we hosted the 1st annual flag football game between clinics! Team Portsmouth Physical Therapy beat Hampton/Seabrook by a narrow margin in the freezing weather! Everyone had a great time (including the incredible cheering section that stuck it out in the cold), and we look forward to continuing the fun in our 2nd annual game next year!


Portsmouth PT’s Dan F. Teaching a Cervical Spine Technique

November 9th, 2017 News

Click here to view!


This is a great clip of our Dan F. (Portsmouth Physical Therapy) teaching a cervical spine technique to PT staff. It’s demos like this – as well as covering case studies, reviewing journals and current evidence, and practicing high level techniques – that allows our network of PT offices and clinics to be the absolute best physical therapists in New England!

Advanced PT of Scarborough is PRN’s Latest Clinic to Open

September 28th, 2017 News

We are proud to announce that we have opened a satellite of our Advanced PT clinic in Scarborough, Maine!  With it’s official opening earlier in the summer, we call the clinic Advanced PT of Scarborough.

Check them out on the web at advancedptme.com and their physical address is 273 Payne Rd Scarborough, ME 04074.

With Bedford PT, Accel PT, and now Advanced PT of Scarborough we have added our 25th, 26th,and 27th facilities! And the best part – we are proud to still be 100% therapist owned, locally owned and organically grown (with no VC or PE backing)!


PRN Hosts Spinal Manipulation Course at Somersworth PT Location

September 15th, 2017 News

The Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network is proud to have hosted the American Academy of Manipulative Therapy this past weekend for Spinal Manipulative Therapy Level 1.

AAMT is considered the leader in Spinal Manipulation and Dry Needling education and they were selected to assist us in taking our therapist skill-sets to the next level. We have two Physical Therapists ( Dan Fleury and Phil Denema) that have earned the Osteopractor and Fellowship ( FAAOMPT) status with AAMT. We also have several more therapists well on their way to achieving their Osteopractor status.

A number of Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network Physical Therapists and sites were in attendance this past weekend including our new grads! AAMT will return soon for several other courses including multiple advanced spinal manipulation courses and dry needling level 1 and 2.


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PRN Continues to Expand with a New Clinic in Bedford, NH

September 11th, 2017 News

We’re proud to announce that Bedford Physical Therapy opened it’s doors in July at 166 South River Road in Bedford, New Hampshire. This clinic will serve the needs of the local physicians that were looking for top-notch, cost effective, and evidence-based physical therapy.

Hospital PT practices in this market are very expensive, have long wait lists, and do not provide high level clinical treatments like Dry Needling and Spinal Manipulation.

Dominique Heres PT, DPT, ATC, and Lou Zollo PT, MSPT, OCS are taking the reins at this new facility. We anticipate more big things to come from Bedford PT in the development of a unique program bringing together large medical practices and other area private practices — stay tuned!


Accel PT (Brunswick, ME) is Hiring a Full-Time Physical Therapist

September 6th, 2017 News

One of our network’s newer offices – Accel Physical Therapy of Brunswick, Maine – is looking to add a physical therapist to its growing team!

The ideal candidate will have an appreciation for outcomes based care, practicing at the highest levels of license, and value continuing education/life long learning. Evidence based manual techniques including Dry Needling, Spinal Manipulation/Mobilization, Extremity Manipulation, Differential Diagnosis, and IASTM are a plus. Current or pending Maine Physical Therapy License is a must.

Job Type: Full-time

For details – and to submit your resume – please email Scott at [email protected]

Portsmouth PT Training French PT Students

August 1st, 2017 News

Pinnacle Rehab Network is proud to announce that Portsmouth Physical Therapy has been selected by Assas University of Paris, France, to aide in training their most advanced PT students.

Three of the top PT students from the University arrived in July and will complete their rotation in August. The students have been a great addition to the facility and have participated in high level clinical training. PPT looks to provide valuable knowledge and experience to complement their future careers as Physical Therapists or PT Assistants!



Atlantic PT Wins ‘Best Physical Therapist’

June 30th, 2017 News

We are proud to announce that Atlantic Physical Therapy (West Falmouth, ME) is The Northern Forecaster’s 2017 Reader’s Choice Winner for ‘Best Physical Therapist’! Congratulations to Jennifer Mitchell and the rest of the staff!



Three Brand New Clinics Set to Open

May 30th, 2017 News

We are proud to announce that we have three new start-ups set to open!

Bedford PT (Bedford, NH) will be opening June 1st.

Accel PT (Brunswick, ME) will be opening on June 12th.

Advanced PT of Scarborough (Scarborough, ME) will be opening July 1st.

These are our 25th, 26th, and 27th offices in our network! As always – 100% therapist owned, locally owned and organically grown (with no VC or PE backing!).


Shop Healthcare Services to Save Lots of Money

April 18th, 2017 News

Before making a purchase at the grocery store, you’ll always shop around for the best price. You want to know which brand is the best value, and which store has it at the cheapest price! Why wouldn’t you shop the same way when it comes to your healthcare?

Kate Serodio (of our very own Hampton PT), has written a tremendous piece on shopping healthcare services in order to save yourself a lot of money.

Yes, you have a choice in your healthcare, and it’s time you choose wisely. Do you have an insurance deductible? Then this is a must-read. Fed up with deductibles? It’s time you take control of your healthcare!

Check out this terrific site www.mymedicalshopper.com, where you can explore how to reduce your medical costs with pricing and quality information on over 9,000 tests and procedures. And, to read the rest of Kate’s article that was published at seacoastonline.com, click here.


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