We have had, and will continue to have, a lot going on this winter!
1: We hosted our first quarterly clinician mentorship session at Portsmouth PT in November. 25 clinicians from various Pinnacle affiliates attended an in-house skills session covering thrust and non- thrust manipulative techniques for the lumbar spine. We successfully discussed current evidence,clinical decision making, demonstrated and practiced multiple techniques to foster advanced practice and limit practice variation. The event was well received and expected to grow. Our Hampton location will host the next event in Q1 of 2017! The topic will be ‘Current Evidence and Treatment for Cervical Spine’.
2: We have successfully trained on and implemented Medicare’s new therapy evaluation codes. Medicare and other insurance companies have changed the PT evaluation code from one code to three, based on the complexity of the patient. These codes each have a complex set of criteria and we are confident that our preparation, training, and internal auditing that has occurred over the last several months will have prepared us well.
3: Pinnacle is undergoing a major project to improve the security, capability and reliance of it’s cloud-based computer infrastructure. We are confident that this move has provided our clinicians and staff with the fastest and most reliable electronic working environment.
4: Pinnacle hosts its annual holiday season gathering 1/21 at the New England Aquarium in Boston!