Pinnacle Physical Therapy Receives Multiple Community Awards

September 24th, 2019 Uncategorized

Pinnacle Physical  Therapy in Plaistow, NH was honored several times in 2019 with a myriad of community accolades. Pinnacle partners were pleasantly surprised when Eric Combs and Bob Worden arrived to the annual partner meeting carrying several boxes of awards. There were awards from a local food pantry, Lions Club, and the local Rotary to name a few. The awards were plentiful but the message theme remained the same in each case. The awards were engraved with words of gratitude form the community such as  “Thank you for your dedication to our community”, or ” We appreciate your generosity”. These words were repeated over and over as Bob and Eric told the background story behind each award.

Pinnacle Vice President Dan Fleury remarked “We are proud of our partners in Plaistow for the genuine support and love they  have given to the community that has supported them for over 15 years. They embody what it means to be a productive and supportive community member and are a role model for all of us”.

Pinnacle Physical Therapy in Plaistow has big plans for 2020! Stay tuned for more news!


We are growing!

June 17th, 2019 News

The Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network continues to grow! We are so proud of the fact that we remain independent and still enjoy very strong growth in both existing and new markets. Our success is a direct reflection of each member of our team. Our facility partners commitment to excellence and leadership from the front has opened multiple opportunities. Our mentoring and clinical education programs have helped to produce some of the best clinicians in the business. We are looking to hire the best and brightest clinicians who share a desire to practice at the absolute highest level. We are looking for a variety of clinicians from new grad to partnership ready folks. If you want to join our team please click here for current opportunities. If you don’t see and immediately available  position, that doesn’t mean there isn’t one cooking! Email [email protected] for more information.

Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network opens new facility in Biddeford Maine!

April 17th, 2019 News

We are proud to announce that our newest clinical site, Biddeford Physical Therapy, is now open in Biddeford ME! Dan Lombardi, DPT, OCS and Joshua Tardiff, DPT have created Biddeford Physical Therapy to allow patients to receive quick access to the most current evidence based treatments. Dan is certified in  Graston Technique, Dry Needling, Vestibular Rehabilitation  well as being a Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS).  The OCS designation awarded through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists. This is Dan’s second clinical site made possible through the partnership with the Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network (PRN). Biddeford Physical Therapy is PRNs 27th clinical location serving New England. He opened his first and very successful location, Somersworth Physical Therapy in 2011. His reputation for being one of the best physical therapists in the area naturally expanded his reach across state lines into Maine.

Biddeford PT is conveniently  located just off of the Maine Turnpike and US route 1 at 6 Barra Rd. We are located right in the heart of the medical community and look forward to working closely with the community and with  local medical providers. Stay tuned for more growth news from Pinnacle!






Are You Taking The National Physical Therapy Exam?

February 20th, 2019 News

Are you one of the new grads taking the NPTE soon? If so…congratulations and welcome to the profession! You couldn’t be taking the exam at a better time. The profession is in serious need of great outpatient private practice physical therapists. In fact Pinnacle is currently looking to hire five physical therapists! If you truly value mentorship, continuing education, evidence based practice and the ability to practice at the highest levels of license, you need to talk with us before accepting a position. Because we are a fully independent group, we have no choice but to be the best. For us, clinical excellence has been the key to building the great company we have become. We are experiencing tremendous growth across our network and we are investing in the next generation of clinical leaders. If you want to thrive as a member of our team, we welcome the opportunity to talk with you. Getting in touch is a easy as sending an email, text or call directly to our Vice President Dan Fleury PT, DPT, OCS FAAOMPT.

[email protected]


Pinnacle Welcomes New Partners to Portsmouth Physical Therapy

February 13th, 2019 News

Portsmouth NH-

Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network is pleased to announce that Cecile Egan DPT and Katie Cole DPT, have been elevated to partnership status at Portsmouth Physical Therapy. Pinnacle Vice President Dan Fleury says, “Pinnacle prides itself on recruiting, hiring and training the best and brightest. We give our team the tools to succeed, and watch them flourish. Both Katie and Cecile have risen to the challenge and made a huge impression on our partners. They both have been training daily for the past 5 years on the essentials of management while simultaneously elevating their clinical education with certifications in dry needling, vestibular rehabilitation, blood flow restriction therapy, and spinal manipulation. We couldn’t be prouder of these two extraordinary people. The community of Portsmouth will be served well for years to come”. Pinnacle continues strong strategic growth and continue to add valuable partnerships. Stay tuned, we have some very exciting growth news coming in the current weeks and months!

Pinnacle Travels to France!

January 30th, 2019 News

Pinnacle Vice President Dan Fleury traveled to Paris for Ecole D’Assas International Week. International Week is an invitational event with expert clinicians, educators and professors from all over the world. The week consists of intensive didactic and practical experiences for students and professors across multiple disciplines including Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Podiatry. Dan is pictured above demonstrating examination and clinical reasoning for the shoulder during one of the practical sessions.

Dan had the opportunity to collaborate with researchers and professors from Spain, Finland, France, Bulgaria, and the US on topics such as tempromandibular dysfunction, spinal manipulation, shoulder dysfunction, and lower extremity disorders. Dan is excited to share what he has learned with the Pinnacle team!

PRN Therapists Earn Blood Flow Restriction Training Certifications

January 2nd, 2019 News

Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network is proud to announce that 25 of their partners and therapists have received certifications in Blood Flow Restriction Training “BFR”.  The certification is referred to as Cert. MST. Blood flow restriction training is a method of strength training that involves restricting the blood flow out of working muscles to trick the body  into getting stronger by creating a metabolic stress response. Muscle hypertrophy, or muscle growth, requires either mechanical stress ( lifting heavy loads) or metabolic stress ( hormones and metabolites). In the rehabilitation setting achieving muscle loading at a threshold high enough to induce muscle hypertrophy is very difficult. BFR allows us to safely train muscles at very load loads, limit muscle and joint strain, while achieving the same results as heavy loading! We can now maximize strength gains faster and safer without the side effects of traditional load based training like delayed onset muscle soreness, joint stress, and micro-tearing! We are excited to offer this service at Advanced PT, Alliance PT, Amherst PT, Atlantic PT, Portsmouth PT, Hampton PT, Somersworth PT

Blood flow restriction training is surprisingly comfortable. The pressure cuff induces muscle fatigue relatively quickly and with very little strain. A trained physical therapist, with the aid of a Doppler ultrasound, will determine individual blood pressure values and customize a protocol. The use of a Doppler and individualization of restriction pressure is vital to the safety and effectiveness of this technique. After the appropriate pressure is validated a special restriction cuff is placed on 1-4 limbs during the duration of a prescribed exercise program. The exercise program can be aerobic, restive or a combination of the two. The exciting thing about BRF training is that the effect is systemic. Using this method has total body benefit due to its action on hormones and growth factors that act on multiple systems.

“We are very excited to be on the forefront of the latest rehabilitation and performance methods. As research uncovers safer, faster, and more effective techniques we strive to be the first to offer these to our patients and clients. Additionally, we take great pride in the fact that our therapists are some of the best educated in the field. We strongly encourage our therapist to be over educated!” says Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network Vice President  Dan Fleury.


Hospitals Must Post Prices!

November 6th, 2018 News, Uncategorized

It is no secret that hospitals not only charge high prices for services, but they are also paid highly for those services!  Analyzing data from medical cost transparency website, comparing a physical therapy evaluations performed in an independent outpatient clinic vs. hospital affiliated clinics, the difference is a staggering!  The paid claims are 150% to 300% higher in the hospital setting!!!! Don’t believe us? Check for yourself by logging onto Keep in mind the numbers you see are paid claims not billed charges.

The argument used by hospitals is that their charges are meaningless because charges are inflated to adjust for contractual discounts with insurance companies. This doesn’t explain away why they are paid so much more for the same or inferior service and outcomes! They also claim higher reimbursements are to cover the hospitals high costs to provide service or to cover uninsured. The argument that the tax benefits and higher reimbursements awarded to hospitals are to ” care for those who cant pay”, is a farce.

In case you haven’t noticed, it appears these hospitals are using the additional revenue for competitive purposes. Specifically look at the Seacoast area of New Hampshire where the hospitals are building massive buildings with repetitive services. In many cases these places are right on top of each other in an attempt to gain territory and market share. What I see unfolding is similar to gas stations or pharmacies opening directly across the road form each other! Unlike the gas station example, the additional competition does nothing to drive prices or costs down. In fact it appears to have the opposite effect!

Finally the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is now requiring hospitals to post their charges! You will now have some level of transparency in what hospitals are charging for services. Not only will you be able to shop services and compare hospital to hospital, you’ll be able to compare hospital to private clinics! This ruling was heavily fought by the hospital lobbyists in an attempt to further keep patients in the dark. It appears on the surface at least that somebody is following the dollar and is starting to look at real reasons behind the rising cost of care!



Winnacunnet HS Student Athletes Compete in 2nd Annual Hampton Physical Therapy ‘PLANK TIL YOU TANK’ Challenge

October 9th, 2018 News

Kicking off the Columbus holiday weekend, on Friday, October 5th, Hampton Physical Therapy’s exciting ‘Plank Til You Tank’ challenge was held for the second time at Winnacunnet High School. The WHS winter sports teams showed off their endurance skills with one of the most challenging core stability exercises known as ‘Planking’.

Hampton Physical Therapy hosted ‘Plank Til You Tank’ as not only a way of supporting local youth, but also educating the benefits of Planking. The Plank is one of the most effective total body moves that strengthens your core, legs, and upper body. Plank can even help prevent injury! Risk factors of low back are thought to begin in school aged children and therefore research suggests it is “desirable for children and adolescents to perform moderate-to-high intensity dynamic core exercises during physical education warm-up to improve trunk and core muscular endurance.” Core stability exercises have been found to be more effective than general exercise in the prevention of low back pain.

Winnacunnet winter sports teams competed against each other to win $500 for their Team! The team that averaged the longest plank took the prize! Congratulations go to the WHS Boys X-Country Team and Girls Varsity Soccer Team who were each awarded $500!

Visit so see the full story and pictures of the event.

Atlantic Physical Therapy Wins Best of Best… Again

September 11th, 2018 News

Pinnacle to announce that our partners at Atlantic Physical Therapy in Falmouth Maine have been voted Best of Best in the Northern Forecaster’s 2018 Reader’s Choice Contest. Atlantic Physical Therapy is no stranger to this award as they have won this honor twice. They were voted Best of Best in back to back years 2017, and 2018.The Northern Forecaster is a regional newspaper, covering Greater Portland, including Falmouth, Cumberland, Yarmouth, North Yarmouth and Freeport.  Atlantic feels their dedication to providing  individualized attention and expertly implemented advanced therapy techniques are the secrets to their success!
Click on the link below to see who else was Best of Best in 2018!

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