Covid-19 (Corona Virus) Control Statement: Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network
The health and safety of our patients and employees is priority number one! To maximize patient, staff, and visitor safety we are remaining diligent and consistent with CDC recommendations. Please call the facility and speak to your provider if there is any question surrounding your appointment. Our facilities will remain diligent and open to care for our patients. To help us do our part in controlling Covid-19 we ask:
- Sick employees/patients/visitors to our facilities are to stay home until fever free/ symptom free for greater than 24 hours.
- Anyone who appears to have acute respiratory illness symptoms (i.e. cough, shortness of breath) upon arrival to the facility will be rescheduled to a later date when symptom free.
- If an individual is sick and has traveled in a HIGH RISK area such as China, Italy, Iran, South Korea or Japan, or any other region deemed high risk by the CDC, that person not come to the facility.
- Do not come to the facility if you were advised to self-quarantine.
- Please call the facility if you have visited us and have become ill with symptoms of or diagnosis of Covid-19 so we can take appropriate safeguards.